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Overall Process

This page presents information about the process used to develop and evaluate potential improvements to the travel corridor.

Concept Development: Concepts were developed with input from stakeholders representing different community interests and the project team. These concepts were assigned to four geographic segments: mainline, west, center, and east.

Concept Segment Screening: The concepts in each segment were compared to others in that segment for functionality and potential adverse impacts. During this screening, concepts could drop, move forward for further screening or be determined to be independent breakout projects. Breakout projects could potentially be implemented in advance of any corridor-wide project.

Concept Combination Screening: The concepts that made it through the concept segment screening were combined into entire corridor-length concept combinations and screened again for their corridor functionality.

Recommended Range of Alternatives: The screening process yielded a recommended range of alternatives that could be implemented as one corridor-wide project to be evaluated through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process. Breakout projects are determined to stand alone from these corridor-wide recommendations and would be examined separately through their own NEPA review process.